Aaron Parsons Blog

I Was Wrong, I Was Wrong About Everything

March 30, 2023

I will soon edit this post to include all my sources later, but I need to let you know that this is all real. I spent the last month and a half putting this all together in my spare time and now I have a complete picture of what's going on and what I want to do with my life with this information. Here's one source you can start with (you might need to be on a laptop or desktop to get the full picture). Also start by reading these three books.

I thought I knew all the answers. I thought I knew who the good guys were and who the bad people really are. I thought the ideologies and the groups of people I admired and grew up with as a child would be the keys to a better future. I thought with their knowledge and resources I could help save the world. I was wrong. I was so wrong about everything, and I'm sorry for the damage I've caused in life because of how wrong I was. I need everyone reading this to know that I've seen a terrifying truth about what's really happening in this world. Reality is stranger than fiction, and I hope I can shed light on one of my most relevant biggest epiphanies I've ever had about the world today.

In this paragraph, I've hyper-linked some of the following statements so you know what books I've been reading lately. I deeply wish I can give all of you hope, but the truth is that things are going to get worse. We are literally destroying our planet instead of using resources and technology to benefit us. The labour we do using computers today is worthless to the point where a third of people are just waisting days on email and fixing bad code (and here you thought AI was going to change that but the elites will ensure that doesn't happen which is a whole other discussion). The other massive part of most first-world countries' labour is focused on pushing foods from 7-Eleven and McDonald's.

This is all happening because a couple of thousand billionaires are controlling the system and how it functions. The system is continuing to dictate the actions for every single person (including those who are "woke" to what is going on). Simple ideologies such as loving your neighbor and taking care of eachother are now for-profit industries that are slowing degrading the fabric of society. Simple human traits like socializing with eachother is now based on our ability to sell random stuff to eachother. The problem with social media is that human relationships have been deconstructed to the point where their only purpose is to preserve capitalism.

We can't make changes to society because the power for the people to change things has been taken away. Personal responsibility hits a brick wall unless profits are involved. Many people's lives, my own included, are only getting worse because we're forced (via ableism) to work on jobs we hate (or can't do because of a disabilty). The one percent need people to do non-remote work so real estate investment of coorporations can be protected. The cities we live in and the transportation we take are not worse just because of pollution or costs sky-rocketing. We're just becoming more and more incapable of finding solutions to a better future because we're used to letting the internet and AI think for us. We've been conditioned to accept the status quo because it just seems like that's all there is (I hope I'm wrong about this because I feel the same way).

We're now at a place post-pandemic where our entertainment is being destroyedthe nature that is all around us is being destroyedour relationships are getting worse and worse, and we're radically destroying our chances to reach how we each define self-actualization. While I love our advances of technology and current health care system, it is being used by the richest, most influencial, and most corrupt individuals to expand a neoliberal empire that has one objective: eugenics. They want to ensure that "the right people" live while everyone else suffers because of this destruction. This is not a future I want. This is not a future I want for my neices and nephew. Everything we do and everything we say right now is based on a lie.

I don't have a solution to stop what is happening, but I figured out who some of the groups are that need to atone for everything that the world is going through. Christians think the anti-Christ is one group or one individaul, but there are many of them. But Christians, specifically powerful evangelical Christians, have teamed up with business-minded, powerful, and influenctial Nazi, neoliberal, hate-groups in secret to ensure that this whole cycle continues. I was once part of this group. I defected from a branch of a related hyper-Pentecostal movement called The New Apostolic Reformation in 2011. The New Apostolic Reformation (or the NAR) are a group of Christian dominionists who are trying to infiltrate the state at local levels to try and take over society. Currently as I'm typing this, they are trying to restrict the teachings of public education by banning certain books or certain teaching gender-fluidity in the classroom (and we all know how successful things were in both Texas and Florida).

Because I've seen how bad Christian nationalism was during the Freedom Convoy, I will be discussing groups that focus on pushing an evangelical theocracy. I just want to note here that I have no problems with Christians who believe in Jesus and mind their business while only sharing their faith with their friends without pushing for them to pray. But I used to be a Christian nationalist who is now agnostic and I saw first hand how pushing this ideology became costly to my mental health and how it actually traumatized people. Conspirituality groups or self-help MLMs with pipelines to places like the Daily Wire may be discussed in a future post depending on my living situation in June. In the following paragraphs, I'm going to discuss the connection of some of these billionaires to secret nationalist Christian organizations behind much of the hateful legistlation that has slowly being pushed in the entire world for over the past century. I'm also going to expose what these billionaires are planning to do to "change the world."

One organization is The Heritage Foundation. It is a neoliberal right wing groupthink organization based in Washington DC. It is considered an activist think-tank or policy institute. The Heritage Foundation was formed in 1973 by Joseph Coors of Cors Beers and Paul Weyrich, who also started organizations like The Council for National Policy (which was also co-founded by Tim LaHaye who wrote the Left Behind books). The Heritage Foundation is known for its rejection of climate change. Their push to terminate climate change legistlation is funded by Exxon Mobile. This group is also responsible for the push against teaching Critical Race Theory (this is why radical Christians are against "wokeness"). They stated in 2021 that their two main priorities are to push Republican controlled states to ban or restrict CRT instruction and to ensure less minorities can vote in elections. This is also happening in local conservative school district elections in Canada in small communities in Alberta.

These organizations weren't just found by racist people who support segregation, but they also claimed that immigrants shouldn't come into the US because "their IQ is lower." The Heritage Foundation is also against LGBTQ groups and are in full opposition to transgender rights. They helped get legistlation passed that harm these communities while hosting anti-trans rights events. They also opposed LGBTQ individuals from serving in the military, marriage equality, LGBTQ parents and adoption, conversion therapy and gender affirming care, and protections against discrimination for LGBTQ workers.

Those associated with The Heritage Foundation have been influencing right wing politics in the United States and even Canada since the 1980s and they openly admit they are Christian nationalists. They provide funding to The Council for National Policy because many staffers are members of the think-tank. They can operate because they aren't obligated to disclose who their donors are thanks to 501(c)(3). Although with enough research done, we find that one of the Heritage Foundation's biggest funders is Koch Industries (forget the Rockerfellers, this is another rabbit hole to go down). The Koch Brothers have donated over a billion dollars to The Heritage Foundation. This is connected to their need to preserve capitalism because they believe and gas-light conservatives into believing that powerful non-white, non-straight leftists are trying to purge whiteness in order to purge capitalism.

So what is the The Council for National Policy? They are a club with a few hundred of the most powerful Conservatives in the US who meet in secret three times a year in undisclosed locations at confidential conferences. They are so secretive that a member can only attend with unanimous approval of an executive committee. Members are told not to even refer to the CNP by name. These people have roots all the way back to when the Southern Baptist Convention was started in 1845. The SBC branched away from regular Baptists because the SBC was FOR slavery. They seperated from all other protestant and mainline denominations during the civil war. In 1962, when public prayer in schools was ended, the SBC realized that there was a shift in American values that may cause them to be irrelevant. As a result, the SBC plotted to get into politics. This leads to Jerry Falwell, who was for segregation and anti-racial integration, meeting with other pastors and Paul Weyrich. In that meeting, Falwell, Weyrich, Tim LaHaye, Pat Robinso, and Ronald Reagan helped form The Council for National Policy. The council grew into a network of evangelicals with everyone from the New Apostolic Reformation to Lakewood in Texas. The council also has oil company executives, Republican legistlators and operatives, the Koch Brothers and the DeVos family. They all get together and work on dismantling the social safety net and civil liberties the US has today. The group now also has Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel, Alan Sears founder of the Alliance Defending "Freedom", and Michael Peroutka, who was on board of the League of the South neo-Confederate hate-group. Raphael Cruz (Ted Cruz's dad) was a member, Amy Coney Barrett, Donald Trump, and Ron Desantis have all been speakers at their secret meetings.

These are just two of the organizations that have roots in Christian dominionism. Another is the American Legistlative Exchange Council (also known as ALEC and also found by Paul Weyrich). ALEC is a capitalist group of state legistlators and coorporate lobbyists that work on legistlation that benefit coorporations' bottom line at the public's expense. These coorporations pay tons of cash just to participate (amounts between 7K and $25K a year). For example, Blue Cross and Blue Shield paid $50K to be a chairman level sponsor. It's a pay to play operation where coorporations buy a seat and vote on task forces to advance their legistlative wish list. They get tax breaks for donations effectively passing these lobbying costs onto taxpayers. How it works is that corporations and legistaltors sit down and write these bills together. Other companies involved with ALEC are Exxon Mobile and AT&T. They draft bills on a variety of subjects from illegal immigration, labour unions, voter ID, environmental regulations, gun control, and anti-LGBTQ policies. While ALEC has its roots in Christian Dominionism, corporations play a major role. They pay GOP legistlators a lot of money to lower taxes and get less regulation.

What makes ALEC as Christian nationalist organization is that it spread anti-mixed race marriage and anti-gay propaganda in the 1980s. Their goal was to prevent the government from legistlating a "homosexual society." ALEC believes that homosexual relationships are the most destructive and degrading institutions in America. They also spread lies about the LGBTQ groups pushing psychological harm, pedophilia, and child abuse, and claim that homosexuals are trying to recruit young people out of the closet (when really they just want a safe place to be themselves). ALEC also has a model bill called the "Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act" which classifies certian property destruction, acts of intimidation, and civil disobedience by environmental and animal rights activists as terrorism. They have roots in racism and have been a force behind privatizing state prison space and keeping prisons filled.

ALEC have benefited companies like Human and Golden Rule, Bayer, Connections Academy, and Corrections Coorperation of America. Tobacco companies benefit from ALEC because of reform measures that make it harder for Americans to sue when injured by their products. CCA direcly benefits from ALEC because of anti-immigrant legistlation introduced in Arizona and other states that require expanded incarceration and housing of immigrants along with other bills from ALEC's "Crime Task Force." Connections Academy, a large, online education corporation and co-chair of the Education Task Force, benefits from ALEC measures to privatize public education and promote private on-line schools.

ALEC is a secretive organization founded by a Christian Dominionist with roots in pro-segregation that consists of state representatives and corporations that pay to be involved to write bills to pass to legistlators that are anti-LGBTQ, anti-BIPOC, anti-abortion, and anti-environmental regulation and protection. The important thing to note is that ALEC board members make up 24% of all state legistlative seats across the United States (they've taken every single seat in Iowa and South Dakota). ALEC is just one head of a many headed anti-Christ.

Christian dominionism consists of a plot to overthrow a country and turn it into a Christian theocracy. Those in this plot are well-funded, well-organized, and they have tons of resources, knowledge, and strategies to ensure that pluralism dies. The Heritage Foundation, ALEC, and the Council of National Policy are starting to see success in their holy war against anyone who isn't straight, white, or American. But what is Christian dominionism?

Christian dominionism consists of a doctrine called The 7 Mountains Mandate (Revelation 17:1 - 18). Dominion theology (dominionism) is a group of political Christian ideologies that seek to institute a nation governed...sorry...dictated by Christians based on their understanding of biblical law. The ALEC, HF, and CNP individuals involved in the New Apostolic Reformation believe in that Christianity should be reflected in seven areas of of the system that they believe control society: family, religion, government, education, media, business, and entertainment. By fulfilling this mandate, Christian nationalists and dominionists believe they can bring about the End Times (where the rapture happens, and then Christ returns). The goal they have is to take control of society and governments of the world. 7M folks desire one nation under God and once this is done, Jesus will come back initiating the end of days. Many people think this is a fringe group but dominionists and Christian nationalists have been infiltrating Conservative or right wing parties in all countries for decades.

Examples of well-known Dominionists are Paul Weyrich and Jerry Falwell. Weyrcich has been caught on tape saying he wants to "Christianize" America (he wants to spread the gospel in a political context which has been causing growth in mega-churches post-pandemic). Jerry Falwell stated that "while we are to render unto Ceaser what is Ceaser's, we only have one purpose on Earth; to know Christ and make Him known." To Falwell, this includes fighting communism, or participating in civil rights reforms. Some dominionists believe that women who don't save themselves for marriage, adulterers, psychics, juvenile delinquents, blasphemers, and homosexuals deserve the death penalty. They've also wanted to bring back public executions and public stonings. Dominionists also believe that wealth is a sign of God's favour (prosperity / Word of Faith teachings which are pro-capitalism and "anti-poverty or anti-laziness"), and that poor / sick / disabled people deserve their lot in life (so their hard times can provoke introspection). This is why Christians and the alt-right support opposing Social Security, welfare, and universal healthcare / Medicaid / Obama-care. They also believe women should stay home, please their husbands / pop out babies, take care of the kids, and do the house-chores while husbands only need to work at the office or repair stuff in the house (no remote work). Some dominionists even believe that women ruling over men will destroy "the family" because "as the home / nuclear family goes, so does the nation."

Thanks to The Heritage Foundation, ALEC, and the Council of National Policy, the 7M mandate has been successful in taking away rights and freedoms of various marginalized groups of people. They have been behind the overturing of Roe VS Wade, the blocking of American universal health care, and why the right is attacking trans folks. Christian Dominionists support segregation, the Doctrine of Discovery, and because they believe wealth is a blessing from the Lord, this is why they align with businesses, billlionaires, the elite, FANG tech companies, and big oil executives. And companies that aren't even religious have it in their best interests to align with 7M and dominionists. They align with them because the policies Christian nationalists are trying to enact benefit them financially and how they control the entire system with a Protestant Work Ethic ideology.

These organizations are also training their children to take arms in a holy war against communists and other marginalized groups who do political protests. They even advocate for buying land away from cities to train their kids to use guns in the hartland where they won't be caught (check out the Biblical Basis of War by Matt Shay). People involved in the Freedom Convoy in Canada took cues from Matt Shay by putting obilvious children in road blockades while they protested government pandemic mandates.

Another group to watch for is the Alliance for Defending Freedom. They are the world's largest legal organization commited to protecting "religious freedom" (by religious freedom, they mean white Christian supremacy). They encourage their members and supporters to defend their "God given and constitutionally-protected freedoms." They are one of the most organized Christian legal groups in North America. The group was co-founded by James Dobson of Focus on the Family and Paul Weyrich. They focus on "religious liberty" opposition to abortion, and opposition to same sex marriage. James Dobson believes that if the nuclear family is not preserved by white Christianity and regulated teen sexuality, the United States will fall. When it comes to religious public institutions, Christianity to them must be reflected in the US legal system including prayer in schools and the right to display crosses wherever they want. They are in favour of LGBTQ lifestyles being considered crimes that deserve death. They are against conversion therapy, civil unions, marriages without children, inter-racial marriages like the one I'm in, and adoptions by same sex couples. They attack the disabled community and their supporters on social media comment sections have been attacking me ever since I myself, as an autistic, opposed what they do. They have even tried to stop Jewish people from adopting kids. They also run the Blackstone Legal Fellowship, a law school that helps Christian law students form solid legal careers that further ADF ideologies. Amy Coney Barrett was a paid speaker there between 2013 to 2017. Ron Desantis, Greg Abbott, Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump have backed their support for ADF politically.

All of this is happening in America alone but it's also spread to other countries including where I'm from in Canada. The Freedom Convoy was hijacked by Alberta right leaning Conservative think-tanks, members of the Plymouth Brethren Church (see the Klondike Papers), and the fringe Christian Heritage Party of Alberta, who got every right-leaning group in Canada to protest for Trudeau's resignation. This got so much national attention that freedom convoys in Europe started to happen. And Pierre Pollievre is riding the neoliberal anti-woke, antitrans, anti-immigration, drug crackdown ideology with the goal of ruling Canada like a mini-Trump. The Philippines, where my mom lives, has been ground zero for political misinformation. But beyond all of this including media censorship of Russia, China, and North Korea, Cambridge Analytica has rebranded itself as a company called Emerdata. Check out this link to see what I'm getting at.

Emerdata clients hire them to push their own local right-leaning neoliberalism and Christian nationalist content to their citizens. They are responsible for the elections of Victor Orban of Hungary and Giorgia Meloni of Italy. Emerdata has radicalized the right all over the world into believing conspiracy theories so that the people can judge and eventually fight with them. When people on the left start figuring out what Emerdata is up to, they'll figure out there's no turning back from this whole neoliberal populist mess that's coming for us all. January 6th is the same thing. Emerdata was a part of that, not just Dutch Sheets and the Appeal to Heaven crowd. Emerdata radicalized people into marching on the capital and convinced them the election was stolen

The founders of Cambridge Analytical / Emerdata are funded by the Mercer family (Rebekah Mercer, Robert Mercer, & Jennifer Mercer). This family has close ties with Russia. Rebekah Mercer’s ex-husband is Sylvain Mirochnikoff, who helps run both Breitbart & Parler. Emerdata also has American clients like Steve Bannon and Newsmax Media owner Christopher Ruddy. Robert Mercer has his PhD in computer science and wrote an AI algorithm that gathers all of our data and creates psychological and personality profiles for everyone. They gather ALL online data you put on the internet. Everything from credit ratings, skin color, sexual orientation, voting records, who your friends are, where you go, what you buy, etc via Facebook. Emerdata uses this data and technology to get Christian nationalist sympathizers to support organizations like ADF and ALEC. They can use the data to send far-right ads to radicalize someone to the point where they do violent things. They can use it to suppress certain party votes in an election. They can use it to infiltrate religious organizations and then work on infiltrating the governments of almost every country with social media users. There's even connections with people associated with the Federal Reserve.

Here are some groups/people who Emerdata is involved with: SCL Group, Nigel Oakes, Lady Helen Windsor, Alexander Nix, Alexander Oakes (all these people have very close ties with the Conservative Party in the UK and also work for the Royal family). The British royal family and the British military also help fund Emerdata.

But here's the kicker when it comes to this worldwide Behemoth. In 1945, WW2 ended and the Nazis were “defeated”, or so we thought. It was soon discovered the Catholic Church & the Red Cross had been caught helping Nazis to escape. In 1950, Christian Reconstructionist Ideology was created, 5 years after WW2. It was created by Rushdooney, His family had
JUST moved to the United States from Armenia when he was born. Armenia is/was under Russian control. Rushdooney was one of the Nazis who escaped. The Catholic Church is part of a Christian nationalist puritan group called The Jesuits. The Jesuits are the military branch of the Roman Catholic Church, and they are known for being infiltrators and assassins. When the Roman Catholic church aquires a target via the Jesuits, they use the confessions of their targets as the church grew. As a result of this growth, the targets are done away with and powerful Christian Jesuit nationalists are put in places of power as blackmail for the trad-Catholic churches to gain power and wealth. Rushdooney was one of the targets spared by the Jesuits and his writings of Christian Reconstruction helped influence the SBC into forming the ideology it is today.

Here's how this is all connected. REgardless of the party who is in control, we end up getting screwed & the Christian nationalists, Jesuits, and the Roman Catholic Church end up wealthier. It's
because The Heritage Foundation, ADF, ALEC, the Council of National Policy, and Emerdata pit us against each other. The government being bipartisan is an illusion. No political leader ever looks out for the people. It's just fight fight fight with no accountability for those in power because they have blackmail material on all the Catholic people in power and ungodly wealth to be able to do whatever they want. It's why all these organizations push for all governments all over the world to privatize healthcare, military, and to kill public education. Nazi Germany - The Nazis and the Church - Resistance to Hitler N05c Vatican documents show secret back channel between Pope Pius XII and Adolf Hitler and how the Vatican helped Nazis escape during WW2. Cambridge Analytica / Emerdata and its founders had ties to the Royal Family, through which has close ties to the Roman Catholic Church. We've all been played. They will attempt to silence us, pit us against each other.

The truth is that Rome never went away. They just became the Roman Catholic church. It's why they take control of a government little by little and kill the government with death by a slow thousand cuts. After wounding a country to a pulp, these neoliberalist beasts radicalize societies against each other. This is them playing ALL of us. This is the British Royalty, the Roman Catholic church, The Heritage Foundation, ADF, ALEC, the Council of National Policy, and many other far-right neo-fascist groups working in conjunction for most of our civilized existence.

The rights and lives of many minorities in many free countries are at stake because of this global savage giant behemoth. Everything bad that is happening right now after 2020 is because of a hostile takeover. Christian organizations like The Heritage Foundation, ADF, ALEC, the Council of National Policy, the Royal Family, The Roman Catholic Church, the NAR, and Emerdata have their claws in every part of the system. Pull back the curtain and you'll see ALL these organizations and much more. We are all the proverbial frog in the pot with the heat slowly being turned up and we can do nothing about it. All of these groups seek a fushion of fundamentalist theology with first-world civic life and a giant capitalist empire that's more powerful and terrifying than the UN. They believe the US and first-world countries like European countries and Canada were founded for white Christians including generally natural born citizens who are white and that everyone else is lesser and deserves to suffer. These groups own media outlets like Charlie Kirk's Turning Point USA, The Daily Caller, the NRA, the Daily Wire, tons of companies behind viral right-wing podcasts, Parlor, and Breitbart. The 7M New Apostolic Reformation folks, the Southern Baptist Convention, Moms of Liberty, ALEC, the CNP, and pretty much every single mega-church including Hillsong are all connected arms of this hydra-like anti-Christ.

All this time, Conservatives and Republicans are going on about a shadowy cabal or groups of liberals that are meeting in secret when they themselves are doing the same thing to rule the entire world with an iron fist. It was them the whole time. It was always the most influential Baptist and non-denominational evangelical churches. It was always the Nazis. It was always the Roman Catholic Church. It was always "the system." The goal of the establishment (even if they're Democrats or the NDP) is to turn the whole world into a white supremicist, Christian nationalist theocratic fascist mega-empire. It's a holy war that they may win 30 years from now. This isn't Christian nationalism. This is fascism. And it's coming soon to a country you live in.

© 2025 Aaron Parsons